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Thomas Hayton:麦克米伦全球教育集团亚洲区总监
以下内容来自Thomas Hayton于2017年5月14日在“向日葵国际教育高峰论坛(2017)”上海论坛的演讲。
I have three things to share today.
1. My own experience being a British person and growing up to be more international.
2. The thing we should always remember is that there are great things about our culture and other cultures; Bad things as well.
3. The advice which is very recommendable for Chinese students to study abroad.
今天, 我想与大家分享三个主题。
1. 我,作为一个英国人的成长经历,以及如何在成长过程中让自己更加国际化;
2. 每种文化都有好的方面与不好的方面;
3. 给中国学生在海外学习的建议。
I would like to start with some topics raised in Beijing yesterday. One of the topics is that family influence plays an important part in teaching values, such as money and independence; this certainly is a big part of my family.
I got my first job, when I was 14 years old. Delivering newspaper every Wednesday and Thursday after school before homework, no matter whether it was sunny, rainy or snowy.When I was 16 years old, I also started working in a pharmacy as well as delivering newspaper on Wednesdays.When I was 18, until I graduated from college, I worked every holiday period in hotel kitchen—washing dishes and sometimes even toilets.
14岁的时候,我得到了第一份工作——无论晴天、雨天还是雪天,每周三和周四,我都需要在放学后去送报纸。16岁的时候,除了每周三送报纸 ,我还在药店打工。从18岁开始,直到大学毕业,每个假期,我都在宾馆的餐厅里工作——洗盘子,有时还需要洗厕所。
The value of education is very high in my family. My mother graduated from Oxford, and my uncle graduated from Oxford as well. We took study very seriously, but it is also important to work. I am lucky to be born in a quite wealthy family. My parents could easily give me money, but they are very happy not to.
On top of those part-time jobs, something very helpful is that between finishing high school and going to college, I took a gap year which is very common in the UK. I think this is the most important thing that I ever did.
In order to save money, the first thing I did was to find a full time job. I worked in a supermarket, selling cheese all day. Everyday, cutting cheese, selling cheese, working with people who did not go to university, and whose life was very different from mine. The job had me interacting with them and made me get them to do things. It is called managing; it is called collaborating, and these are very important life skills. I saw things about my country that were not so great. Sometimes, these people had views and different beliefs I did not share. I can also see many other things I did not know but I learned from their lives.
My identity developed as I went into this job. I was an upper middle class, a wealthy white kid, but at the end of this, I was broader than that.I have become a much more real British person that have seen different realities and different parts in British culture. When I earned money from supermarket, I became a cheese expert. I spent rest of my time, traveling by myself, with this money, all around Europe. I, as a British kid, met people from other countries, learned about their countries and also became completely independent.
My parents just said "bye". Then I went off and took trains to everywhere, stayed in very cheap and not very nice hotels, but had the best time.
My mother said, “Hey, you went away as a boy and came back as a man.”
I observed many wonderful attributes in Chinese students, which British children did not have.I really admire the ability to focus and the ability to be disciplined, because there is something in life you cannot be creative about, just have to study hard. This is what I observed during my work in China, and it is a wonderful thing that any teacher back to UK right now would love to see more in our students. It is the cultural value that I hope Chinese students to take with their roles.
I wonder what we can do to bring more life experience, working experience, and experience cross different parts of Chinese society to the students who are not 100% aware of this country. I wonder in China, what we can do to help children to have that sense of identity in a grounded way, prior to going study and work.So, it strikes me that if we have incredible pressure in study, it could be very difficult to justify time in extra curriculum activities, which is actually very valuable. How can we help children also be strong people and be stronger in collaborating and communicating cross cultures?
I think Chinese students are remarkable and the pieces of score are fantastic. It is a wonderful starting point.My hope is that we can rebalance a little bit in the direction of growing teenagers who are more grounded and possibly more aware of different types of people, different ways of thinking, even in your own country. So my hope for Chinese children is to have a little bit more life experience, and parents could direct in diverse ways of children's development. Because that is the luckiest thing I received from my parents.
本文根据Thomas Hayton先生在“向日葵国际教育高峰论坛(2017)”的演讲整理编辑,授权新航道家庭教育(nc-jtjy)独家发布。欢迎个人转发分享,转载请注明作者和出处。其他公号转载,请发邮件至nc-jtjy@xhd.cn获取授权。

Thomas Hayton与新航道总裁胡敏教授在“向日葵国际教育高峰论坛(2017)”北京现场交流

英国麦克米伦全球教育集团与新航道国际教育集团是战略合作伙伴。图片左起为:新航道总裁兼校长胡敏教授,麦克米伦教育全球总裁Jeremy Dieguez先生、亚洲区总监Thomas Hayton先生。